Class News
We are half way through the school year. I can't believe how fast this year is going by. We will have a student teacher in our classroom for the next seven weeks. Her name is Mrs. Morgan, She worked at Bright Elementary in first grade, prior to starting her student teaching.
Social Studies - Mrs. Vennemeier Language/Spelling - Mrs. Stenger Writing/Reading - Mrs. Marro
Class News
Specials Schedule
Monday - Physical Education
We are working on the Indiana Chapter: Area We are taking daily multiplication times test. Please be sure to practice multiplication facts with your children each night. I am definitely seeing a difference in the students who know their facts fluently. It makes the math processes we are working on much easier.
School News
Smart Snacks All snacks provided to students during the school day, including birthday treats and classroom parties, must meet the Smart Snack Standards set by the USDA. Smart Snacks can be purchased from the cafeteria, grocery store or even Amazon. This will be strictly enforced at all of our schools. For questions, please contact your student's school or Cheryl Erhart, Director of Food and Nutrition Services at 812-623-2291 ext. 13809. PTO is collecting box tops and Coke rewards. There isn't an early release day in March. April 3rd, is the next early release day. We have had six snow days, so far this school year. We will be making these days up on President Day and March 18th - 22nd. Spring Break is March 25th-29th.
We are finishing up with the properties of matter and will be begin working on life science for the fourth quarter. We will not have science class on early release days. |
Gretchen Ernst